My Writing Life: Progress Report
While planning what I wanted to write for the next blog post, I realized that almost all of the posts over the last few months have one thing in common. Though they may cover snippets of my writing life, none of them focus on what I’m actually doing with my writing time.
Therefore, I felt a simple “progress report” was due for all of you to read and therefore catch up on all the things that consume my daytime (and sometimes nighttime) hours throughout the week.
I might do this every few months - not just for you but for me as well, just to see how efficiently (or not) my time’s been spent.
Of course, if you want more frequent updates, consider following my Twitter account (I post there daily, usually multiple times a day) or subscribing to my monthly newsletter if waiting for reports here. Shameless plugs for my media content? You bet!
My Short Stories
I have two short stories out on submission.
In both cases, they were submitted back in late-August. For story #1 it was submitted to a publisher that is known for taking 2-3 months to review whatever’s in their slush pile, so I’ll likely hear from them by the end of October, if not November. However… story #2 managed to bust through the slush pile (the reader really liked what they read and promoted it upwards) and is being considered for publication! This means the story is in the final round of review - which also means it may take awhile before I receive a final thumb’s up or down.
I’ve spent some amount of time trying to figure out the average amount of time a story can spend “being considered” before the writer gets a response. Interestingly, I’ve found very little on the subject online. I haven’t directly pinged other published short story writers to learn of their experiences - that may be the next thing I do.
I’ve finished editing another short story.
However, I’ve held back from submitting it, in the hopes that I received a final response on the short story that’s being considered. It would be amazing if I could, in all future short story submissions, mention in my cover letter that one of my works was officially published. With the turnaround time on that taking longer and longer, I might bite the bullet and just start submitting.
Another short story needs extensive editing.
It probably would take a solid day or so, but I need to sit down, pause my major project, and just finish these damned edits already. Once those edits are complete I’d send my story off to my CP for a final review.
Finally, I’ve officially trunked my first short story, “Tempus Fugit.”
This was my first foray into the horror genre, but alas, the story didn’t seem to have legs despite edits and even feedback from a personal rejection. I don’t know if I’ll share it publicly - like posting it on my website or on another online medium. One of my alpha readers and my CP read it, and I did post a plot summary in a newsletter a few months ago, but beyond that… this might be relegated to the digital trunk on my computer.
My Novels
Yes, that’s not a typo. I’ve started Book #2!
After two months of research I’ve finally decided to begin the journey of book writing all over again. The sequel to my first book is officially in the works! As of this post I am just a few chapters into the novel. Much like the first book, I’m pantsing most of the plot-related stuff, though - like before - I’ve planned out the big moments in the story that I want to eventually happen. I don’t know how long it’ll take to complete this novel, but I’m going to expect it to take at least a year - a similar time frame for book #1.
My first book is in the hands of some agents.
The submission process is in full swing. I’ve received form rejections. I’ve received personal feedback with requests to resubmit, as well as personal rejections. In the grand scheme of things, I’m still pretty early into my journey of finding an agent, but I’m still excited about that day when someone will want to represent me and my work.
“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.”
My Current Reading List
Aside from my 2018 reading challenge, many other books have grabbed hold of my attention for various reasons. Here’s a short list of what I’m reading as of this post!
Books on Writing:
Fiction in My Immediate Queue*:
*I own the book and it’s sitting on my new “need to read” shelf.
Flood by Stephen Baxter
The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson
Currently Reading:
Artemis by Andy Weir
What does your world of writing look like today? Which books are you reading? Are there any recent books you’ve finished that you’d recommend? Share in a comment below!